Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cherish the moment…..........

As I sat on the bench, I saw the sky blending the soft hues from azure to emblazoning golden rays spreading its lustre from high. The sun was below the horizon and I was enjoying the twilight glow of the sky.
I was just trying to unwind all the moments that passed through the day and my thoughts were just fading behind the distant clouds. Then a thought just paused my mind. During the day I was asked by one of my fellow mates “If Dreams were to sell what would you buy?” There were thousands of dreams which I yearned to be fulfilled but when I was asked to name one I was completely dumbstruck. Since then this question had been rhetorically striking my mind. There was a kind of unrest within me as I endeavored to find an answer.

Just then I saw a kid sitting by the pond. He was knee-deep in something. I walked towards him and started observing him. He had a white folded paper in his hand. He would fold the paper in different ways and then again unfold it dauntingly. I found him expectantly staring at me without uttering a word. I could read his eyes seeking for help. I approached him and enquired what he was trying to do. He just placed the paper folding in my hand and asked me to make a boat out of it. I helped him out and his boat was ready within seconds. His eyes glinted with ecstasy on seeing the paper boat. He just gave me a hug and made his boat float in the pond. The boat would go round and round and whenever it stopped he dropped a pebble into the water to create ripples. For hours together he saw his boat floating and was euphoric. I saw him as he spent his evening feeling on the top of the world and I just smiled. I realized that for the kid his dream for the day was to make his boat sail. A very petty dream yet so special.

If dreams were to sell I would like to capture all the beautiful moments in my life so close to me that I can once again feel them vividly, would wish to get back to such moments whenever I feel like as if it was reality and not a dream, relive the moment to its fullest. I truly believe Life only finds its grandeur in ecstasy and that ecstasy is just a moment which eventually passes by. Its like a musical note which moves up and down, fanatically dancing to the tones, enchanting the air, throbbing like blood, tantalizing the silence and creating rhythmic spheres.

Sitting on the bench and pondering over dreams and life, time flew by rosy wings. Now when I stared at the sky I could see the clouds of condensing exhaust waiting to burst into downpours. I got up and walked down the lane and in no time the clouds gave vent to its pent up emotions. I was walking in the rain completely drenched and felt like a fresh green leaf. I just stretched out my arms and stared up as the rain drops hit my face. I could feel each droplet, indeed it was bliss


  1. A very good expression of thoughts,words and emotions........keep blogging..

  2. Truely agree wid u cherish evry moment

  3. A pretty nice one for a first one.

  4. I must say that
    "girl your writing is poetic" :)

    And yes its the moments and momentary feelings that make up 'The Life'

    Keep penning/scribbing/blogging. ADB!
