Friday, December 30, 2011

Adieu Adieu..I Bid Adieu......

As the dusk blushed on the New Year eve
Bleeding out the beauty in the winter sky,
The long withered grass breathed its heart
Singing the melody of the year that went by..
Adieu, Adieu I bid Adieu to the year that passed by.

Of fond memories, of blissful nights
Of those friends and foes that added life,
Of smiles and of tears that I shared
I vividly paraphrased in my mind..
Adieu, Adieu I bid Adieu to the year that passed by.

The silent air intoxicated with the fragrance of the old wine
Every moment spent remains special in the mind’s eye
Behold each memory like the mist upon the placid twilight
To you and to the world I sing this lullaby
Adieu, Adieu I bid Adieu to the year that passed by.

With new hopes and fondest dreams
Here comes yet another day, another Month, another Year
Bringing happiness, bringing delights, bringing desires
Here again I bid adieu to the year passed by
And dearly welcome the Year ahead full of joy.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Gentle Whisper....

A butt of cigarette I lit,
Raising the fumes in the air,
Lost was I, watching it disappear high.
It was the month of December
The times when birds retreated,
The times when I watched the clear blue sky..
In the paralyzing cold, my palms felt numb
And the cool breeze whispered-
A sort of slurred "Hush" into my ears.

Lost was I, watching the birds soaring high
And then I felt alive...
Yet again I felt alive when the edge of the cigarette butt
Seared my finger, making me feel alive.

I watched the morning dew drops
As fresh as the mint,
As imperial as the pearl.
And then came the whiff
Blowing my thoughts like fallen leaves.

The branches danced fanatically to the rhythm of the wind,
And then I heard the soft gentle voice
That echoed into my ears.
It wasn't me, neither was it you.
On the crossroad I stand,
Mesmerized by the candy-coated voice
Hold on for a moment I screamed
But before my words, before my thoughts
The sound muffled into the air.

It wasn't for the air,
It wasn't just for the voice
But it was for the charismatic caress that I felt,
I still long for the experience once again.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Like a flowing river…..

Life moved on like a flowing river….sometimes creating floods and sometimes paving the right path, met pebbles, met boulders, crossed the sand but flowed on….mingled with other streams and rivers… flowed together and then few moved along and few parted ways. From dawn to dusk it flowed, sometimes creating ripples and sometimes huge waves, accepting all that came along its way. It became the soul of the desert poising the marooned.

Meandering through the valleys, creating circles of lives as years passed by and seasons changed, it got the courage and faith to follow the path. It yearned for peace from horizons to horizons whose ends would never ever meet. It was harmony and serenity that this river wanted to seek. As life moved on, the river too did; passing by parched and arid land reminding of broken dreams and credence. And then rejoiced as it swiftly flowed through the picturesque view; calm, reticent and speechless. The voyage was long and the journey arduous but it flowed perennially like the thoughts and the unspoken words in the mind that never stagnates. The water it possess is never the same sometimes green and sometimes blue casted by the meadows and the sky like the ‘life’ which is reflected by the rainbow of the colorful hues; like those currents in the river which disappears in seconds, so does the life’s joys and sorrows.

Talking to the trees, walking by the moonlight, narrating its tale to the valleys, listening to the unrevealed mysteries of nature the river flows by. But very few things it holds on as it carries its journey ahead because it knows that it is going to converge into the ocean soon. Singing the melodies with tears of happiness and anguish it finally gives in, recapitulating all the memories of its journey like this life full of experience gives us a few memories to hold back.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Was it a dream or reality???..

“Was it a dream or reality???..”

As I walked down the lane on a moonlit night, my mind was just hovering over the metaphoric view. It was dark and the pallid sky was covered with inky clouds, the night was silent and still, no glittering stars. At the vaporous distances laid the moon covered with misty veil... I just wondered how darkness could be so luminous. I walked down the lane enjoying the moonlit night and staring at the sky, just then I stumbled against something.

I stepped aside and walked forward but some strange thought crossed my mind and I stopped to see what it was. I bent down and found that somebody was crying in pain.
As I tried to upturn the body my hands were completely wet. I gazed at my wet hands in the moonlight and figured out that it was blood. It was the mortal wine …crimson red which streamed down his body. For a moment I went completely blank, not knowing what to do. Strange thoughts haunted my mind, I wanted to scream aloud for help but I couldn’t utter a word. Before it was too late I needed to help. Finally I cried out for help but no one was there in the forlorn lane. Just then I saw a vehicle approaching. I shouted for help but the vehicle just passed by unawares. I had never felt so helpless in life. In a state of paranoia I fell on my knees and yelled for help. At the far end corner I saw a silhouetted figure approaching. He heard my voice and rushed forward. He held his hand and checked his veins…he was still breathing. In a while few people arrived and arranged for an ambulance. I watched the ambulance as it took its way.

It was an eerie experience for me. I walked down the lane to my flat. I stared outside the balcony and I thought,” Was it a dream or reality?”
But my blood stained hands made me believe that it was reality. I washed off my hands. I had a queer feeling as I saw the blood drain down the washbasin. I retired to bed but there was some kind of unrest in my mind. A thousands questions striking my mind…”Who was he?”…”How did it happen?”. The more I thought about it, more questions haunted my mind without an answer or any clue to any of them, of the most I just hoped he would survive. The night was disastrous as I struggled to doze off…Whenever I closed my eyes; I could see my blood stained hands.
Amidst all these thoughts I could hear the chirping of birds signaling that it was already morning. I drew the curtains and saw that it was a bright sunny day. Last night the sky was cloudy and I thought it would rain but there was no sign of any downpours. I got ready and left for office. At the far end I could see a group of people conversing. I thought of enquiring about the last night’s incident. I came to know from one of them that some stranger had been stabbed and few people had hospitalized him. Another person added that he was severely injured and he had profusely bled so doctors couldn’t save him. For a moment I felt as if the whole world had come to a standstill, I felt a shiver run down my spines. All night I had just wished and prayed for his survival. He was a stranger but I felt as if someone close passed away. May be, had I seen him before or had the ambulance come a bit earlier he could have lived but all these thoughts were absolutely vain.

For a few days there was commotion about who had stabbed him to death. Days passed by and people forgot the story and the stranger’s life become a history. But even today when I walk down that lane the whole scene vividly comes to my mind and leaves me petrified. I met a stranger on that treacherous night and he will remain a stranger for life!!!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Yet Another Day!!!

Amidst the hustle and bustle, I somehow managed to catch the bus. I was almost sandwiched between a fat lady and a middle-aged gentleman. I referred him as 'gentleman' because he was trying his best to comfort me but the lady was uncompromising. Getting a seat in the bus was a far away dream but still I tried to pacify myself by recollecting the thought “There is nothing as real as Dream”.
I felt as if this journey from my office to home was the longest journey ever in this route.
It was 30th Sep 2010,’The Day’ for the Ayodhya Verdict. With the apprehension of unrest and chaos in the city we were asked to leave office by 3 P.M, before the verdict was announced. Everyone in the bus was busy giving their competence on the disputed holy site of Ayodhya.Finally I got down from the bus and took a deep sigh of relief.
After I reached home, I switched on my laptop and opened Times of India. It clearly stated that the court awarded pragmatic decision to the disputed land of Hindu and Muslims seeking to mollify the sentiments of both communities. Since I was not very politically or religiously inclined, my only thought was that at least we got an afternoon off.

I was getting bored so I started traversing through the folders in my lappy for a movie.
The only movie I had was ‘Udaan’.I wasn’t even aware when the movie got released
as it wasn’t much hyped, seemed to be a low budget, low scale movie. I started watching the movie and was intrigued by the storyline. It was a story about a 17 year old teenager who was rusticated from the boarding school due to a trivial incident. The story basically delved over this character ‘Rohan’ who strived to fulfill his dream amidst the agony and anguish inflicted by his authoritarian father. There was a constant battle between Rohan’s aspirations of becoming a writer and his father forcing him to choose a conventional career of an Engineer. But nevertheless his father had to give in to his determination and valor. He sets out with dreams in his eyes breaking all barriers, basking in glory.

The part that touched me the most was the poem by the character which he narrates to one of his friend

“Chhoti-chhoti chhitrayi yaadein
Bichhi hui hain lamhon ki lawn par
Nange pair unpar chalte-chalte
Itni door chale aaye
Ki ab bhool gaye hain ki
Joote kahan utaare the.

Aedi komal thi, jab aaye the.
Thodi si naazuk hai abhi bhi.
Aur nazuk hi rahegi
In khatti-meethi yaadon ki shararat
Jab tak inhe gudgudati rahe.
Sach, bhool gaye hain
Ki joote kahan utaare the.
Par lagta hai,
Ab unki zaroorat nahin.”

This poem left a deep imprint in my heart, reminded me of my journey from a kid to adolescence. I just paused to think how far I have move ahead in life.. Feeling nostalgic about the past, recollecting memories which would bring both smiles and tears… ..

Sach mein,”bhool gaye hain
Ki joote kahan utaare the. ”

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cherish the moment…..........

As I sat on the bench, I saw the sky blending the soft hues from azure to emblazoning golden rays spreading its lustre from high. The sun was below the horizon and I was enjoying the twilight glow of the sky.
I was just trying to unwind all the moments that passed through the day and my thoughts were just fading behind the distant clouds. Then a thought just paused my mind. During the day I was asked by one of my fellow mates “If Dreams were to sell what would you buy?” There were thousands of dreams which I yearned to be fulfilled but when I was asked to name one I was completely dumbstruck. Since then this question had been rhetorically striking my mind. There was a kind of unrest within me as I endeavored to find an answer.

Just then I saw a kid sitting by the pond. He was knee-deep in something. I walked towards him and started observing him. He had a white folded paper in his hand. He would fold the paper in different ways and then again unfold it dauntingly. I found him expectantly staring at me without uttering a word. I could read his eyes seeking for help. I approached him and enquired what he was trying to do. He just placed the paper folding in my hand and asked me to make a boat out of it. I helped him out and his boat was ready within seconds. His eyes glinted with ecstasy on seeing the paper boat. He just gave me a hug and made his boat float in the pond. The boat would go round and round and whenever it stopped he dropped a pebble into the water to create ripples. For hours together he saw his boat floating and was euphoric. I saw him as he spent his evening feeling on the top of the world and I just smiled. I realized that for the kid his dream for the day was to make his boat sail. A very petty dream yet so special.

If dreams were to sell I would like to capture all the beautiful moments in my life so close to me that I can once again feel them vividly, would wish to get back to such moments whenever I feel like as if it was reality and not a dream, relive the moment to its fullest. I truly believe Life only finds its grandeur in ecstasy and that ecstasy is just a moment which eventually passes by. Its like a musical note which moves up and down, fanatically dancing to the tones, enchanting the air, throbbing like blood, tantalizing the silence and creating rhythmic spheres.

Sitting on the bench and pondering over dreams and life, time flew by rosy wings. Now when I stared at the sky I could see the clouds of condensing exhaust waiting to burst into downpours. I got up and walked down the lane and in no time the clouds gave vent to its pent up emotions. I was walking in the rain completely drenched and felt like a fresh green leaf. I just stretched out my arms and stared up as the rain drops hit my face. I could feel each droplet, indeed it was bliss